When put into Park, the pelican’s bill is locked in place, preventing accidental slippage. Before changing gears, it is imperative to depress the lever and safely unlock the bill. Otherwise, the bill can become damaged.
Western banded geckos are a common choice for beginner lizard climbers. This is largely due to the easy footholds, the relatively low slope and the easily accessible resting cave that can serve as a basecamp.
It’s hard to get a mate as a bird. You must keep your feathers in perfect order, defend your territory, and have a perfect song. You must excel in your conformity.
Some birds, however, give up on the process completely and build their own mate. Piece. By. Piece.
If you fall asleep while colouring and leave the crayons on top of the radiator, they melt and run, making the whole radiator pretty. This is what happens if you leave the crayons on a starling.
The second invasion was more successful. Instead of blinding the humans, they came at night, armed and armored. Those that ran, tripped and were skewered. Those that fought, fell beneath the onslaught of spines and ever marching roots. The bullets did not stop them, flesh healing over into hardened knots, protecting them againt further violation. They were impervious to drought, to heat. And, as the humans made their planet ever warmer, eventually the next generation of triffids ruled over all.
As dusk falls, and the last gleam of the setting sun casts itself over the desert, cactus wrens tell their hatchlings bedtime stories and hope that the rains will fall before they fledge.
According to The Language of Flowers, this orange and pale peach rose (hair tarantula) is intended to convey modest fascination. The different colours have strong historic meanings, so keep that mind the next time you make an arachnid bouquet.