The black vulture is unique in that it eats live food in addition to carrion. If you want nightmares, read the wikipedia article on what it does to newborn calves.
Mandrill glue takes a while to set, so when building one, it’s best to use props to hold the parts together while you wait. Otherwise, you can get piece slippage.
If you think about it, since snakes lay eggs that are much smaller than the actual snake, very tiny snakes must be what hatches out of them. However, until a little snake like this, it’s really hard to understand. This snake could fit inside a regular fast food straw. It’s long and curly but, really really tiny. The Internet suggest they can grow to about a foot in length, and this critter was about six inches long, so it was half grown … which means it started even smaller.
That’s right, you’re living in a world full of little teeny tiny snakes that you never even see.
If you had asked me before I took this shot, I would have been almost certain that jaguars had roughly even patterning across their sagittal plane. I would have been wrong.
Go, bind thou up yon dangling apricocks,
Which, like unruly children, make their sire
Stoop with oppression of their prodigal weight:
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.