Personally, I don’t think you should be allowed to call an animal a “giant” unless they’re at least twice as big as the average human.

The books say these are also called “carpet sharks” because of their striking patterning, but I have to believe that the fact that they lay on the bottom of the ocean floor has something to do with it as well.

Vulturine Guinea wondering how a single person walking barefoot on gravel could have been inspired to invent both Legos and D&D dice.

This is one of the harder critters to photograph. You have to use flash, but they’re active, so you have to track them in the dark and hope that everything works when you push the trigger.
This is one of the better photos I’ve gotten of them, but I’m a bit disappointed that you can’t see the tail.
(P.S. they’re not really cats, they’re just called that)

Sideburns are a hard look to pull off.

Sraml, Christidis, Easteal, Horn and Collet, in their work “Molecular Relationships Within Australasian Waterfowl” call the Cape Barren Goose “a most peculiar goose of uncertain affiliations”
This is exactly you should never vote to confirm one for the supreme court.

I think we need more ocellated animals, whatever their type.

This cheetah had heard it all before and doesn’t believe that this time will be any different.

Monkey puzzled at how it can be 45 degrees and 78 degrees at the same time.

Two out of three ain’t bad.

Monkeys have yet to learn the dangers of the Goa’uld.

Three fish who have suddenly realized that they are COMPLETELY SURROUNDED by water.

“Let them eat seed cake.”

Jackel wondering why all of Major Tom’s direct reports have been erased from the narrative.

Wikipedia informs me that bichir “make good tankmates with other species large enough not to be prey” which, really, is a good general rule for many social interactions.

This water monitor is upset that the only summer job he could get was a lifeguard at the local pool. Stereotyping, that’s what this is.

This parrot has read your mind and, while it is refraining from judgement, does not understand why your plan requires that the Jello be lemon flavoured.
Worry not, this parrot will not share what it has learned.
Photos, Stories, and Lies