This alligator is in favor of whatever stupid and cruel thing the government has recently decided to do, because desperate people make good eatin’.
(I made the post in advance but these days it’s not hard to be topical.)

In infrared, duckweed is white* and ducks are invisible**.
* Well, the sensor interprets it as “white”. Colours, even white, are tricky when you’re talking about non-visible light.
**Not really.

Bear pondering the fact that we had telegrams, then 140 character texts, then 140 character tweets with extensions (retweets, links, photos, etc), then doubled – and people are still writing “threads”.
Their minds will be blown when they discover paragraphs and essays.

This alligator likes eating people, thinks alligators should eat more people, and is pursuing this agenda.
This alligator, however, knows eating people is unpopular and actively works to hide true extent of his and his friends’ activities.
This alligator terms his behavior “resistance”.

Some zoos cheap out on their animal simulation sprites.

Frog pondering whether Sir Mix-A-Lot’s inability to lie is generalized or merely restricted to butt-related topics.

This chameleon has realized that the systems protecting his country’s institutions are a lot weaker and vulnerable to both external interference and internal corruption than he had previously thought and has no idea what to do about it.

This tortoise has observed that gravity is particularly strong today.

Some broken branches aren’t what they appear to be.

Cheetahs earn one spot for each kill they make.

Until I saw this one, I had thought there was only one species of kookaburra. No, it turns out there are four, so I have two more to track down.

Never understood why guard dogs were do popular when there are more effective methods available.

Movies from the 1980’s gave me inaccurate expectations as to the fighting styles of cranes.

Black bear puzzled at how there can be international conspiracies to control the population through vaccines and “chemtrails”, to run a super-secret child sex group, and to cover up the existence of aliens, that is capable of hiding all evidence from the mainstream press, yet somehow unable to prevent people from talking about it on Facebook.
Photos, Stories, and Lies