Category Archives: Mammal


In the constant war against predation, plants have been extremely inventive. Their chemical arsenal includes alkaloids, cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates, benzoxazinoids, terpenoids, and phenolics. They’ve invented thorns and armored coatings ranging from wax to resin. They have pressure sensitivity whose responses range from mild curling away to far more violent explosions. They’ve event entered into agreements with fungi, other plants and less dangerous animals, forming multi-species treaties that last for centuries.

It is not going well for them.

Bobcat (Lynx rufus)

Bobcat (Lynx rufus)_25
This bobcat was taken from the wild and turned into a house pet, then was terribly malnourished and confiscated by the state. He eventually wound up at the zoo and, under their care, was given medical treatment and moved over to a diet of true meat (as opposed to the frozen fish sticks he had been eating). This photo was taken on the first day he was allowed outside in his new home. You can tell that he’s not entirely sure what’s going on.

One year later, I visited again. I could get no photos because, once he became healthy, he became a wild animal once again and it was no longer safe for me to be near him.

Photographs are a moment in a time. At the time I took this photo, he was a sick, scared, wary little cat. Today, he is a powerful, dominant near-wild animal. While I’m somewhat sad that I can’t get photos of him anymore, I’m happier at the same time.


Here, we see an adult antelope teaching a young one how to fight. Shortly after this shot, they entered a training montage through which the young antelope become quite skilled, grew to the age of maturity, and became ready for his final battle with the bully that had oppressed him his entire life.

Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)

Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)_11
As noted earlier, bush dogs have no sense of humor. Its very presence offends its senses, so it must block its nose to keep even the hint of humor in this joke from befouling its environment.

Joke: A sibyl, a haruspex, and a rhabdomantist walked into a bar. The sibyl said, “There’s going to be this big flood, and it’s going to be terrible.” And the haruspex was looking at this dead animal, and he said, “Yeah, it’s going to rain hard and wipe everything out, and it’s going to do all kinds of damage.” And the rhabdomantist said, “That’s terrible! Why…I’ll be out of a job!”