African crowned crane who knows that things can be thrown out of whack, but who doesn’t understand how things are gotten into whack in the first place.

Quick reminders:
1) Avian dinosaurs never went extinct. We just call them birds now.
2) Dinosaurs evolved feathers long ago.
3) We generally don’t know the colour of those feathers.

This Great Hornbill worries that others will learn he bribed his professors in college and blackmailed his way to partner status. He lives in constant fear that his “great” status will be revoked.

When you can see the weekend coming.

The bumble bee dart frog gets its name because, according to the math, it cannot fly.

Rhinoceros belated realizing that, much like Moulin Rouge, it’s a lot easier to have fun watching Blue Planet II episodes if you stop 80% of the way through each one.

Giant anteater trying to figure out if International Women’s Day celebrates women with dual or greater citizenship, women that travel a lot, or just women who work on the international space station and Antarctica.

This tortoise just reminded me that I should probably have dinner sometime today.
Posting it here in case you forgot to eat as well.

Great. Now even the frogs are doing mashups.

Otter that has accepted the fact that birds suddenly appear every time you are near, but is still puzzled as to the mechanism.
– Have they been camouflaged this whole time?
– Are they teleporting? If so, from where?
– Do they somehow bend space-time, appearing through extremely short-lived wormholes?
– Is it dimensional slippage? Does that make them refuges from collapsing alternate universes?
Photos, Stories, and Lies