In the still of the night
He hears the wolf howl
In the still of the night
He feels his heart beating heavy
In the shadow of night
He sees the full moon rise
In the heat of the day
He hangs his head down low
And hide his face from the sun
He will, however, keep away, as rattlesnakes don’t bother you unless you bother them.

He knows you can see him,
His sharp beak shining in the sun.
He’s got his hair combed back
And his white feathers on.
He suspects, however, her love will not stay strong

Trying to decide whether to leave tonight or live and die this way.

Later, after the snake complained, the frog drew a line down the center of the enclosure to more clearly demark their shared territory.

Looking forward to climate change.

According to Jayson Egeler (1999, paraphrasing Behler and Iaderosa (1991)) The radiated tortoise seems “to prefer new growth rather than mature growth because of the high protein, low fiber content.”
I think it’s because the newer growth tastes better.

By the time you grow the bill, it’s too late the treat the pinkeye.

Some hippos are on discount for a reason.
Photos, Stories, and Lies