

This pig took a break from the watermelon to figure out where, in the count of square-free integers up to n that have an even number of prime factors, minus the count of those that have an odd number, the value of n results in a sum of zero for the second time.



The Red River Zoo has some challenges with water. Unlike other zoos, plumbing is not extended everywhere it should be so the water can get stagnant and unpleasant. Last year, though, I showed up and the water looked a LOT better. This was, in part, because of these plants that are growing in there now. I believe they are water hyacinths. Deer believe they are yummy.

Wood Duck

Wood Duck_2

The guardian has waited for time immemorial, watching for intruders, challenging all pilgrims, verifying that they have the knowledge and moral character to be worthy of the passage.

Alas, all knowledge of the temple has been lost and the guardian has had no visitors for over a century.

This is why it’s always wise to put a term limit on contracts before you sign them.

Photos, Stories, and Lies