Happy Halloween.
I hope you get all the treats you want.

Crane looking for that small screw she dropped and suspecting that the laptop will probably work just fine without it.

This bird is a future historian writing about a society that ignored the will of its people, forcing them to live impoverished lives, suffering and dying in pain, prevented from accessing comforts – while also strongly encouraged to partake in the free flow of alcohol and guns. This bird wants to know why no one foresaw the inevitable and obvious consequences.
Some things just don’t make sense to birds.

This crane’s hood was given to her by Granny Weatherwax.

Elk wondering if every generation is actually right about the impending end of the world and each subsequent generation doesn’t notice because they grew up in the former generation’s apocalyptic wasteland thinking that was normal.

This gorilla believes you need more practice crafting excuses for late work and is patiently waiting to remind you that the dates in the syllabus are invariant.
Photos, Stories, and Lies