Watching the beginning of this year’s Reindeer Games.
He hopes his district wins.

At Whipsnade, they just let these guys wander around wherever.
I gather the UK has different rules for zoos.

I don’t know whether to be upset that the sloth bear isn’t hanging upside or impressed at the laziness of not bothering to climb a tree to do so.

First time caterpillar riders are advised to select the ones with handles, in case the ride gets too extreme.

Butterflies stand on their food as they eat it. Just like kittens and puppies.

You can tell this is a sacred ibis and not a black-faced ibis because the black-faced ibis has a lot less black on its face.

I don’t know why the Indian rhinos in the UK have better colouring than those in the US, but they certainly do.

“Fühlt nicht durch dich Sarastro
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr.
Verstossen sei auf ewig,
Verlassen sei auf ewig,
Zertrümmert sei’n auf ewig
Alle Bande der Natur
Wenn nicht durch dich!
Sarastro wird erblassen!
Hört, Rachegötter,
Hört der Mutter Schwur!”

This owl has determined he needs more salt.

Sure, when caterpillars make them, we think it’s cool and show them to our friends, but when aliens make them, we get all freaked out about “pod people” and ‘invasion”.

“Excuse me, but I think I dropped something. My labial palpi!”
“Do you have a map? Because I just keep on getting lost in your ommatidia.”
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven or did you just slowly tumble down, blown about by extremely mild winds?”
“Is it room temperature in here or is it just you?”
“You’re so sweet, you’re giving me a tarsusache.”
“Do you come here often or have you only been flight capable for an hour or so?”

Only the most trustworthy of birds get an All Access migratory pass.

This bird is starting to suspect that people are mixing up “your” and “you’re” deliberately.

After rolling for initiative, the bear attacks first.

British zoos sure seem to have bigger flocks than the US ones do.
Photos, Stories, and Lies