“There is reason for concern regarding the survivability of certain bee populations.” –Science
“All the bees are gonna die!” –Science Reporting
“All the bees are gonna die and we’re all gonna die too because of pollination and stuff!” –Science Blogging
“Five ways to save the bees.” –CNN
“How to help bees, monarch butterflies, and other insects that are being affected by our changing world.” –NPR
“Which dying bee are you?” –Buzzfeed
“This bee seems fine. Obama wants to eat your children. Also, booga booga boo!” –FOX News

Critter warriors prefer to ride these beasts into battle, because their protrusions function as merlons on crenellated parapets for archery while their spikes make it harder for combatants to mount them via siege weapons. Their speed isn’t as great as the winged airforce, but quite decent for land-based combat.
One warrior tribe thus mounted can successfully attack entire armies mounted on earthworms and even small groups on pillbugs.

As anyone who follows the popular book scene knows, you can find kinky things in unexpected places.

The ice sure does get thin ’round here in June.

I don’t often to architectural photography, but every once in a while, something just pops out at me. This is one of those cases.
Photos, Stories, and Lies