Brittle stars reenacting the classic fight scene from West Side Story.
I’m pretty sure this is actually a shrimp cosplaying as a sea star.
Lumpsucker realizing, to his shock, that Don Henley’s “The Boys of Summer” could be about a horde of young Sidhe predators who invade in the summertime, abducting all the pretty humans to be slaves in the underworld, leaving small towns desolate and longing for what they have lost, just as the glamour fades and, with it, all specific memory.
They told me that feeding kids was easy. They told me that everyone loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Turns out they were wrong.
This jelly believes that everything that happens, for good or ill, for pain or for joy, absolutely everything … happens for a reason: ocean currents.
This cuttlefish thinks that all things being equal would make his math homework a whole lot easier.
Photos, Stories, and Lies