Lunch hour at work vs lunch hour when working from home.
This dragonfly suggests that, if you are displeased with the state of the world, you should burn it all down and start over. However, dragonflies are positioned to benefit greatly from global warming, so this dragonfly may not be a neutral party.
Why are you considering advice from a dragonfly anyway? They’re brains are extremely small.
Anyway, burying things deep into the earth or drowning them in the ocean is a more responsible use of carbon.
Since ultraviolet light doesn’t map to visual colours, sometimes I play with band separation to figure out what look I want. In general, the camera picks up UV light as red, orange, purple, and magenta, with two primary bands falling either into orange/purple or red/magenta. I can then use colour shifting to move them around a bit, and get this sort of blue. I think it looks nice.
Earlier this year, the Red River Zoo put a combine cab in their ag barn. I didn’t get it at first, but *wow* was it popular. Later in the summer, I set up a little GoPro to take photos of the kids playing in it. I won’t bore you with the hundred or so photos I got of them, but I quite like this one.
Which side of a duck has the most feathers?
The outside.
Why did the duck fly south for the winter?
Because it was too far to walk.
A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a duck sitting next to him. “Are you a duck?” asked the man, surprised. “Yes.” “What are you doing at the movies?” The duck replied, “Well, I liked the book.”
A duck waddles into a card shop, he waddles his way to the front desk asking the clerk, Do you got any tape? The clerk replies, No. So the duck waddles away. The very next day at the same time the same duck waddles into the Card Shop he waddles right up to that same clerk asking him, Do you have any tape? The clerk looking irritated replying in a stern voice,No! We are a card shop we sell cards not tape! And if you ask me again I will nail your bill to the counter! So the duck just waddles away. At the same time the next day the Duck is waddling into that same card shop He waddles right up to that same clerk asking him, do you have any nails? The clerk says,no. Then the duck replied good!! So do you have any tape?
What did the duck do after I told her all these jokes?
I thought she’d quack up, but instead she just barely tolerated my presence as I took this photo.