Rüppell’s griffon vulture

Rüppell's griffon vulture (Gyps rueppellii)

Vultures are known as scavengers or opportunistic feeders. This one just caught a bug*.

Speaking of opportunistic vultures and bugs, you should really update (or stop using) Symantec/Norton Antivirus immediately. Not tonight, not tomorrow, but right now. Technical details here: http://googleprojectzero.blogspot.fr/2016/06/how-to-compromise-enterprise-endpoint.html .

* OK, a mealworm is not technically a bug, but I’d like to see you find a more apt photo on short notice.



Grown up otters swim.

While I’m glad I brought my water proof camera, I feel somewhat stupid that I didn’t bring goggles so I couldn’t actually focus the thing underwater. There were a *lot* of out of focus shots.


Baby Otters_22

But of course, you really go Nurtured by Nature to play with the otters.

These are some baby otters that are strong enough to knock over a fully grown human.



There’s this place called Nurtured by Nature and it is one of the few non-AZA accredited places that I let use my photos for free. The next several I share will be from there.

Unlike zoos and sanctuaries, Nurtured by Nature is one of a very few places that let you play with and feed the animals while also making sure that the animals are safe and healthy.

This is me feeding a grape to an armadillo.

Deep Infrared Duck


This is an example of why I converted my backup camera to “supercolour” infrared rather than going with the deep infrared. Since supercolour sees from orange into the deep infrared spectrum, you get a *lot* more light. With deep infrared only, you’re looking at a much narrower band of the spectrum and get a lot more noise in the image.

Photos, Stories, and Lies