

I went to the Akron Zoo today to see their reef exhibit before it closed. As many of you know, I love shooting seahorses. However, they were all hanging out at the bottom of the aquarium and I couldn’t get a good angle. Luckily, their food was free swimming and well in range.

This is a krill (or something krill-like). This little guy is about three millimeters long and about half a millimeter wide. It is capable of moving in three dimensions just slightly faster than autofocus allows. I took this shot, free hand, with the help of a single solitary flash.

This may be the most challenging normal* photo I’ve ever taken … so even though I’m not caught up on processing, I’m posting this one early to brag.

* The non-normal photos I took in Nicaragua are more challenging, and that is why the photos have paused. I need to finish those suckers.