Q: Why are there so many bad jokes about sharks?
A: Because they evolved during the Sillyurian period.
(bye for now)
Q: When traveling at near the speed of light, how do sharks manage their red and blue shifts?
A: With their ampullae of Lorentzini.
Q: What causes sharks to swim erratically before flipping upside and becoming temporarily paralyzed?
A: Gin and tonic immobility
Q: Why can you make trees out of sharks, rays, and skates?
A: Because they’re all elasmobranches
Q: Which movie mis-rental is most embarassing for shark parents on family night?
A: Clasper the Friendly Ghost
Q: What do trocars, cannulas, and sharks have in common?
A: Ram ventilation.
Q: Why are there so few female impersonators in the shark community?
A: Because placoid scales reduce hydrodynamic drag.
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