Due to their size, playing tips with horses is both harder and more dangerous than with house cats. Some of them, though, take your comfort into consideration and add fur.
✓ Move eyes to the front
✓ Evolve grasping hands
✓ Become bipedal
_ Discover tools
_ Discover fire
_ Use cuteness to lull humanity into a false sense of security and strike when they least expect it!
He’s a bit bummed out because he just learned that he can’t join the KISS Marines, largely because there are only two branches of the KISS military services.
This takin is too young to engage in advanced mathematics and is instead thinking about the systemic kindnesses inherent in the Sanhedrin and Roman punishment systems.
This bunny was watching Hamilton the Musical in the park and got distracted thinking about Hamiltonian graphs and then symmetric bipartite cubic graphs and is now counting edges.