
UV Plants_1

I picked up an ultraviolet camera last year, but it wasn’t until a month or two back that I got the lens I needed with it. I had hoped that I could leverage older lenses with this camera and, as it turned out, the answer was “not really”. They do work, but they don’t have full transmission across all UV bands, so it wasn’t clear if I was getting everything I really wanted.

I still need to find a way to generate full spectrum UV light (the sun is a good source, I think, but I need a flouride spectrum or something to spread out the colours) so I can test the lenses I have to see how close they really are. I also have concerns that the camera itself may not be detected everything I want it to, but testing that is much harder as it means I have to convert several cameras so I can do side-by-side testing.

For now, enjoy the weirdness that is less than ideally scientific (non-fluorescent) UV photography.